Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel.

Benefits of hydroponics:

  • The ability to produce higher yields than traditional, soil-based agriculture
  • Allowing food to be grown and consumed in areas of the world that cannot support crops in the soil.
  • Eliminating the need for massive pesticide use (considering most pests live in the soil), effectively making our air, water, soil and food cleanere.
  • A water efficient method of cultivation
  • Optimal use and reuse of nutrients and minerals
  • Freedom from soil born diseases / infections / weeds / pests
  • Faster growth rate of crop than traditional farming
  • Amiable to cultivation in areas with water shortage or lacking soil-cover

Earth Agro Structures Pvt. Ltd.

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